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오래전부터 국제 상업의 중요한 항구 도시로 번성해온 고베는 다국어를 구사하는 직원과 메뉴를 갖춘 다양한 맛집이 있습니다! 이 기사에서는 해외에서 온 방문객들이 관광 후 편안하게 음식을 주문할 수 있는 이 지역의 추천 레스토랑 30곳을 소개합니다!
1. K's Kitchen (Creative 이탈리아 요리 Cuisine)

메뉴는 영어와 중국어(정체 및 간체)로 제공됩니다.
K's Kitchen
Closed: Wednesday
Average price: [Dinner] 7,500 JPY
Access: Around 120m from [Sannomiya Station], the West Exit of [Kobe-sannomiya Station], or the East Exit of [Motomachi Station].
Address: 2F, Taishin Sunset Bldg., 2-5-1, Kitanagasa-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-city, Hyogo (Map)
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2. Kobe Steak Sai Dining (Steak / Hamburg 스테이크 / Curry)

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Kobe Steak Sai Dining
Closed: 무휴
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 13,000 엔 / 【점심】 4,500 엔
Access: 산노미야역에서 선셋대로를 서쪽으로 나아가다, 토어로드와 교차한 다음 길을 우회전하여 150m앞 오른쪽, 도보 5분입니다.
Address: 효고현코베시 츄우오구시모 야마테 도오리 3-1-9코스모 빌딩 B1F ()
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3. Sumibi Shichirin Yakiniku Akazakura (Yakiniku)

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Sumibi Shichirin Yakiniku Akazakura
Closed: 월요일
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 5,000 엔
Access: 니시모토마치역에서 철도 고가도로 북쪽으로 도보 1분
Address: 효고현 코베시 주오구 키타나가사도리 8-3-2 ()
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4. IKKYU Suidosuji Branch (Izakaya)

식당 주인이 태국과 일본의 혼혈이기 때문에, [Kaphrao Fried Spring Rolls] (750 JPY)과 같은 요리도 찾아볼 수 있으며, 태국 요리의 진정한 맛을 즐길 수 있습니다. 모츠나베와 함께 주문하면 음료와 함께 놀랍도록 잘 어울립니다!
메뉴는 중국어(정체, 간체)로 제공됩니다.
IKKYU Suidosuji Branch
휴무일: 화요일 *국경일에 해당하는 경우 수요일에 휴무
평균 가격: 3,000 JPY
주소: 6-2-16, Suidosuji, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, 효고 (지도지도)
5. Shin (Japanese Cuisine)

아카시는 그들의 도미로 유명하며, [아카시 도미 카마메시] (솥밥) (850 JPY (세금 별도))에서는 놀라운 감칠맛으로 밥맛을 풍부하게 합니다. 작고 귀여운 솥에서 요리되고 제공되며, 밥이 요리되는 것을 보는 것을 즐길 수 있습니다.
메뉴는 중국어(정체, 간체)로 제공됩니다.
휴무: 일요일 *월요일이 국경일인 경우 월요일도 휴무
평균 가격: 4,000 JPY
주소: 1F, Hirano Bldg., 2-1-7, Hon-machi, Akashi-shi, 효고 (지도지도)
6. Saboten (Izakaya)

이렇게 신선해서 사시미로 제공될 수 있는 이 고기는, 숯불 위에서 조절된 온도로 구워진 [야키토리] (구운 닭꼬치)에서도 똑같이 놀라운 맛을 냅니다. 선호하는 부위를 주문할 수 있지만, 감칠맛이 풍부한 [허벅지] (580 JPY (세금 별도))를 포함시키는 것을 잊지 마세요! 숯불 위에서 구워진 허벅지 고기는 매우 향긋하고 탄력있게 나옵니다. 다양한 방법으로 준비된 지역 닭을 맛볼 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요!
메뉴는 중국어(정체, 간체)로 제공됩니다.
휴무일: 월요일 *국경일인 경우 화요일에 휴무
평균 가격: 3,500 JPY
주소: 1, Caro Sette, 1360, Hata-cho Naka, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, 효고 (지도지도)
7. Teppan-yaki Kokoro (Teppanyaki)

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Teppan-yaki Kokoro
Closed: Public holidays
Average price: [Lunch] 5,000 JPY
Access: Ten minutes by taxi (about 1000 yen) from JR Sannomiya Station and Hankyu, Hanshin, and Subway Sannomiya Station.
Address: Hotel La Suite Kobe Harborland 2F, 7-2 Hatoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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8. The Garden Place Soshuen (Italian Cuisine)

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The Garden Place Soshuen
Closed: Tuesday
Average price: [Dinner] 10,000 JPY / [Lunch] 3,500 JPY
Access: 5-minute walk from Mikage Station on the Hankyu Kobe Line. Go through Fukadaike Park and follow the road to the north. 5-minute taxi ride from JR Sumiyoshi Station.
Address: 4-7-28 Sumiyoshiyamate, Kobe, Higashinada-ku, Hyogo
9. Private Room Yakiniku KOBE BEEF KANBE (Yakiniku)

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Private Room Yakiniku KOBE BEEF KANBE
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 5,000 JPY
Access: Near Kobe Sannomiya Station west exit on Hankyu Kobe Line. Located on the 5th floor of Rainbow Plaza Building.
Address: 5F, Rainbow Plaza Bldg., 1-9-3 Kitanagasadori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo (Map)
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10. Sandaya Honten -Yasuragi no Sato- (Steak / Hamburg 스테이크 / Curry)

시그니처 아이템인 부드러운 Kuroge Wagyu 스테이크는 그릴 위에서 제공되지만, 실제로는 거의 완전히 날 것입니다! 그릴 위에서 직접 굽기 때문에, 자신의 취향에 맞게 익었을 때 먹을 수 있습니다.
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Sandaya Honten -Yasuragi no Sato-
Closed: 연중무휴
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 5,800 엔
Access: 신테츠 플라워타운역에서 도보 2분/JR산다역에서 택시로 10분/츄고쿠 자동차 도로 고베 산다 인터체인지에서 6분
Address: 효고현 산다시 무코가오카 7-5 ()
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11. 고베 엔트레코트 (철판구이)

고기는 보통 마늘 라이스와 짝을 이루지만, 여기서는 [마늘 소바메시] (800 JPY)와 짝을 이루어 보세요. 소바메시는 우스터 소스가 듬뿍 들어간 야키소바(볶음 면)가 밥과 섞인 고베의 서민 특선 요리입니다. 여기서는 스테이크와 완벽한 짝을 이루도록 마늘로 양념되었습니다. 최고급 와규 스테이크가 이 흔한 요리와 얼마나 잘 어울리는지 놀랄 것입니다!
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Closed: 무휴
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 7,000 엔 / 【점심】 1,500 엔
Access: 3 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station on the Hankyu Line
Address: Tensei Building 4F, 1-10-10 Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo효고현 고베시 주오구 나카야마테도리 1-10-10 덴세이 빌딩 4F
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12. Sozai Kitchen Kikucho (Izakaya)

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Sozai Kitchen Kikucho
Closed: Dinner time on Monday
Average price: [Dinner] 3,000 JPY / [Lunch] 900 JPY
Access: A five-minute walk from Harborland Station of the Kobe Municipal Subway Kaigan Line.
Address: 2F Culmeni, 1-5-7 Higashikawasaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe city, Hyogo
13. Setsu-Getsu-Ka Sumibiyaki - Kobe beef Steak Kappo (Steak / Hamburg 스테이크 / Curry)

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Setsu-Getsu-Ka Sumibiyaki - Kobe beef Steak Kappo
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 20,000 JPY
Access: 5-minute walk from [Sannomiya Station]. Go straight on Kitanozaka Street and turn right at the cake shop. It is on the 2nd Floor of Parfum Bldg., which is on the left.
Address: 2F, Parfum Bldg., 4-8-19, Kano-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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14. Wa Teppan Shin Kitanozaka 지점 (철판구이)

*저녁 식사에는 추가로 5%의 서비스 요금이 있습니다.
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Wa Teppan Shin Kitanozaka branch
Closed: Tuesday
Average price: [Dinner] 14,000 JPY / [Lunch] 4,000 JPY
Access: 4 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station
Address: 1F, Eiwa Bldg., 1-10-6, Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
15. 그란 케이브 (이자카야)

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Gran cave
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 3,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,000 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from [Sannomiya] Station on JR Tokaido Main Line or Hanshin Main Line / 2 minutes walk from [Sannomiya] Station on Hankyu Kobe Main Line
Address: 4-1-394, Kotono-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
16. 고베 Gyu / 고베 Yukiyasai Shin (Teppanyaki)

*저녁 식사에는 추가로 5%의 서비스 요금이 부과됩니다.
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Kobe Gyu / Kobe Yukiyasai Shin
Closed: Monday
Average price: [Dinner] 10,000 JPY / [Lunch] 3,000 JPY
Access: 5-minute walk from JR Sannomiya Station’s west exit. 3-minute walk from Hankyu Sannomiya Station’s west exit. Located on the south side of Kobe Sauna.
Address: 2F Seigyo Building, 2-10-12 Kitanagasadori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Map
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17. Restaurant Le Coeur Kobe (French Cuisine)

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Restaurant Le Coeur Kobe
Closed: None (excludes events and private parties)
Average price: [Dinner] 15,000 JPY / [Lunch] 5,000 JPY
Access: Ten minutes by taxi (about 1000 yen) from JR Sannomiya Station and Hankyu, Hanshin, and Subway Sannomiya Station.
Address: Hotel La Suite Kobe Harborland 2F, 7-2 Hatoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Map
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18. Beefsteak Kawamura Sannomiya Main Branch (Teppanyaki)

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Beefsteak Kawamura Sannomiya main branch
Closed: Monday
Average price: [Dinner] 15,000 JPY / [Lunch] 5,000 JPY
Access: 2 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station on JR Kobe Line. Walk along the nothern street of Tajima Kobe Bldg. towards west and turn right at the first corner
Address: 1F, Nuba spiritto Bldg., 4-5-13, Kano-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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19. Japanese Cuisine Ha-ze (Kaiseki Cuisine)

*추가 10%의 서비스 요금이 있습니다.
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Japanese Cuisine Ha-ze
Closed: Sunday
Average price: [Dinner] 10,000 JPY / [Lunch] 3,000 JPY
Access: 12 minutes walk from the east exit of Sannomiya Station on each line
Address: 101, Kitanomachi Light Hills, 3-1-8, Kitano-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
20. SETSU GETSU KA - Kobe Beef Steak, Teppanyaki (Teppanyaki)

철판구이 레스토랑답게, 여기서 셰프들의 요리 공연도 즐길 수 있습니다. 이용 가능한 좌석은 카운터 바로 앞이며, 여기서 숙련된 장인들이 음식을 자르고 굽는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
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SETSU GETSU KA - Kobe Beef Steak, Teppanyaki
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 15,000 JPY
Access: 116m from [Kobe-Sannomiya Station] on the Hankyu Railway
Address: 8F, Rainbow Plaza Bldg., 1-9-3, Kitanagasa-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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21. Voice (Gastropub)

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Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY
Access: 5 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station on Kobe Municipal Subway Yamate Line along with Tor Road / 7 minutes walk from Motomachi Station on JR Kobe Line or Hanshin Main Line
Address: 2F, Shiko Bldg., 3-11-17, Shimoyamate Street, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
22. Antipasto Restaurant Tapas (스페인 및 지중해 요리 Cuisine)

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Antipasto restaurant Tapas
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 3,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,200 JPY
Access: Five minute walk in the southeast direction from Hanshin Main Line Sannomiya Station.
Address: MK Bldg. 1F, 6-1-9 Isogami Dori , Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
23. Teppan Kushiyaki DINING Kushibaru Kitanozaka Branch (Creative Cuisine)

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Teppan Kushiyaki DINING Kushibaru Kitanozaka Branch
24. Ito Grill (Steak / Hamburg 스테이크 / Curry)

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Ito Grill
Closed: Wednesdays
Average price: [Dinner] 7,000 JPY
Access: Three minute walk south from JR, Hanshin Motomachi Station. On the north side of Chinatown Square.
Address: 1-6-6 Motomachi Dori , Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
25. Sumibi 야키니쿠 Goemon (Yakiniku)

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Sumibi Yakiniku Goemon Sannomiya Branch
Closed: Mondays
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY
Access: Five minute walk from any of the Sannomiya stations: JR, Hanshin, or Hankyu
Address: Harima No.1 Bldg. 1F, 1-5-15 Naka Yamatedori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
26. Kamadashi-Udon Kotohira (Japanese Cuisine)

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Kamadashi-Udon Kotohira (Japanese Cuisine)
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 1,000 JPY / [Lunch] 950 JPY
Access: Three minute walk from Itayado Station South Exit. Turn left at the lights on Otacho. Located at the second corner.
Address: Toapiesu Suma, 1-2-4 Ota-cho , Suma-ku,Kobe-shi, Hyogo
27. Koushi-ya Kobe Sannomiya (Yakiniku)

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Koushi-ya Kobe Sannomiya
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 7,000 JPY
Access: 7 minutes walk from [Sannomiya Station]
Address: 3F, LA DOLL RAY Kobe Sannomiya, 1-25-6 Naka Yamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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28. Teppanyaki Kobe Fuji (Teppanyaki)

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Teppanyaki Kobe Fuji
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 3,500 JPY
Access: 3 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station on JR Line, Hankyu Line, Hanshin Line, and Municipal Subway Line
Address: 1-9-5, Yamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo (Map)
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29. Sumi Toriuo Robaruta (Izakaya)

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Sumi Toriuo Robaruta
Closed: Sunday
Average price: -
Access: 5 minutes walk from Sannomiya Station on JR Kobe Line / 3 minutes walk from Kobe Sannomiya Station on Hankyu Kobe Main Line
Address: 1F, Yamamoto Bldg., 1-3-1, Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
30. Sumibi-yakiniku Yasubee (Yakiniku)

조용한 내부에서 편안하게 식사를 즐기고 [프리미엄 고베 비프 디럭스 로인 (싱글)] (1,100 JPY)이나 [프리미엄 와규 디럭스 스커트 스테이크] (2,300 JPY)와 같은 요리를 맛보세요.
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Sumibi-yakiniku Yasubee
Closed: Tuesdays
Average price: [Lunch] 800 JPY
Access: A two minute walk from Kobe Sannomiya Station. Take the west exit. It is on the first basement floor of the Sun Plaza building across from the exit.
Address: B1F Sun Plaza, 1-8-1 Sannomiya-cho , Chuo-ku,Kobe-shi , Hyogo (Map)
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