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센다이 시티, 도호쿠 지역으로 가는 관문,은 지역 재료를 사용하여 지역에 특유한 미식 음식을 만드는 많은 레스토랑이 있습니다, 예를 들어 센다이 특산품인 gyutan (소 혀)과 지역 사케 (일본 술). 이 기사에서는 지역 미식 음식을 위해 특별히 선정된 15개의 레스토랑을 소개할 것입니다!
Rikyu Nakakecho 지점 (Sendai / 일식 Cuisine)

Gyutan Sumiyaki Rikyu Nakakecho
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 2,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,200 JPY
Access: In front of JR Sendai Station, in the Hapina Nakakecho Shopping Arcade next to Matsuzawa Kamaboko Shop.
Address: JY Bldg. 1F , Chuo 1-8-29, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi (Map)
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2. 산스이엔 히가시구치 세컨드 브랜치 (센다이 / 야키니쿠)

Sansuien Higashiguchi Second branch
Closed: 부정기휴무
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 3,500 엔
Access: 센다이역 서구로 나와서 육교 밑으로 빠져나와 일방통행 똑바로, 오른쪽
Address: 미야기현 센다이시 와카바야시구 신테라1-3-17 ()
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3. 고야 코쿠분초 지점 (히로세도리 / 스시)

Sushidokoro koya Kokubun-cho Branch
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 5,000 JPY
Access: Head onto Kokubunjidori street from Hirosedori street, pass Setokatsu Parking on the right, located on the first floor of the #2 Fujiya Building.
Address: No.2 Fujiwara-ya Bldg. 1F, 2-1-14 Kokubun-cho , Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi (Map)
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4. Zehu (Hirose-dori / 일식 Cuisine)

Wasyoku to Tempura Zehu
Closed: Sundays
Address: Umehara Bldg. 2F, 2-1-20 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi (Map)
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5. Shiogama Shirahata (Sendai / Sushi)

Shiogama Shirahata
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,200 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from JR Sendai Station. At [Date-no-Komichi] in S-PAL Sendai East Bldg.
Address: Date-no-Komichi, 2F, S-PAL Sendai East Bldg., 1-1-1, Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi (Map)
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6. 마츠자카야 (히로세도리 / 철판구이)

Teppan Matsuzakaya
Closed: -
Average price: 【공식 만찬】 8,000 엔 / 【점심】 900 엔
Access: 히로세도오리역에서 도보 5분. 센다이 포라스방면으로 걸어가서, 두번째 블록에서 좌회전하면 왼쪽에 있습니다.
Address: 미야기현 센다이시 아오바구 고쿠분쵸1-6-1 루나파크 이치방쵸빌딩3F ()
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7. Trattoria Gin (Kotodai-koen / 이탈리아 요리 Cuisine)

Trattoria Gin
Closed: Tuesdays
Average price: [Dinner] 3,500 JPY / [Lunch] 800 JPY
Access: Next to the city hall. Follow Kokubuncho-dori; you'll see a building with a ramen shop on the first floor. We're on the second floor.
Address: Negishi Bldg. 2F , 3-8-12 Kokubun-cho , Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi (Map)
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8. Kokorozukushi Inase (Sendai / 일식 Cuisine)

Kokorozukushi Inase
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY
Access: Leave JR Sendai Station through its West Exit. Located across the pawnshop Utsubo, on the street behind Yamada Denki LABI.
Address: Ekimae Nozomi Bldg. 1F, 3-6-22 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi (Map)
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9. Datenari (Sendai / Yakiniku)

10. 하마야 아스토 나가마치 지점 (나가마치 / 일식 Cuisine)

Ryotei Hamaya Asuto Nagamachi branch
11. Isobashi (Kotodai-koen / 이자카야 요리)

Isobashi - Shellfish specialty shop
Closed: Sunday
Average price: [Dinner] 5,000 JPY
Access: Go to the direction of Kokubun-cho from Kotodai-Koen 141 bldg. Exit of Sendai Municipal Subway Nanboku Line
Address: 5F Chidoriya Bldg, 2-9-32 Kokubun-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi
12. Robin (Kotodai-koen / 이자카야 요리)

Ohashi Tapas and Osake Ro bi n
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY
Access: 3 min. walk from Kotodai Koen Station, Koen 2 Exit. Head west on Jozenji-dori Street and turn left at the second traffic light. Located on the 1st floor of the Grand Palais Building.
Address: Grand Palais Bldg. 1F, 2-15-2 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi
13. KANAE (Hirose-dori / Teppanyaki)

Teppan Dining KANAE
Closed: Sunday, National Holidays
Average price: [Dinner] 10,000 JPY
Access: 4 minutes walk from the West 5 Exit of [Hirose-dori Station] on Sendai Municipal Subway Namboku Line. On the first floor of M-one Bldg.
Address: 1F, M-one Bldg., 4-3-11, Ichiban-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi
14. Yamako (Kotodai-koen / 일식 Cuisine)

Sohonke Yamako
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY
Access: After getting off at Koutoudai Park Station, it is a seven minute walk from the ticket gates. After exiting the station, across from the entrance to Kokumeimachidoori, it is at 2F in the Goroku Ichiban Building.
Address: Goroku Ichibankan Bldg. 2F, 2-5-3 Kokubun-cho , Aoba-ku,Sendai-shi, Miyagi (Map)
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15. Raita (Hirose-dori / 이자카야 요리)

Izakaya Raita
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 3,500 JPY / [Lunch] 680 JPY
Access: Two minutes on foot from Hirose-dori Station on the Senday Municipal Subway. Leave the station, turn right, head in the direction of Aobadori street, and it will be on your left-hand side. Next to the convenience store.
Address: Otomo Bldg. B1F, 2-11-11 Chuo , Aoba-ku,Sendai-shi , Miyagi