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봄이 왔습니다. 따뜻한 햇살에 이끌려 다양한 꽃들이 만개하는 계절입니다. 봄의 히비야 공원에서는 튤립, 베이비 블루 아이즈, 제비꽃, 꽃이 핀 개암나무, 진달래와 같은 꽃들이 만개하여 공원을 찾는 모든 이들에게 기쁨을 줍니다. 방문객들은 꽃을 즐기고 돌아오는 길에 이 지역에서 맛있는 음식을 먹을 수 있습니다. 히비야 공원 지역의 맛있는 음식이 있는 레스토랑 몇 곳을 소개합니다.
퓨전 요리 Cuisine - Yasai no Ohsama 히비야 Chanter Branch 단풍
Guests will smack their lips at the carefully selected vegetables in this healing space overflowing with green 단풍

Yasai no Ohsama Hibiya Chanter branch
Closed: Same as Hibiya Chanter closed days.
Average price: [Dinner] 2,500 JPY / [Lunch] 1,500 JPY
Access: 3 minutes walk from Hibiya Station
단풍 해물 요리 Cuisine - 츠키지 Mottainai Project Uoharu
Delicious cuisine served with “mottainai” ingredients that show off the skills of the talented chef 단풍

Tsukiji mottainai project UOHARU
Access: 3 minutes walk from Yurakucho Station
단풍 소 혀 구이 - Gyutanyaki Morinomiyako Tasuke Yurakucho Branch
Enjoy the delicious flavors of faithfully recreated from the origin of Sendai beef tongue, in Tokyo 단풍

Gyutanyaki Morinomiyako Tasuke Yurakucho Branch
Closed: Year-end and New Year holidays (12/31-1/2) *Only open for lunch on 12/30 and 1/3, closed on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday
Average price: [Dinner] 3,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,980 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from Yurakucho Station
단풍 덴푸라 - Tempura Tentora Hibiya Midtown Branch
Enjoy a diverse variety of tempura, from standard options to more creative dishes 단풍

Tempura Tentora Hibiya Midtown Branch
Address: 2F, Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Access: 5 minutes walk from Yurakucho Station
단풍 이스라엘 요리 - Ta-im Marunouchi Branch
Enjoy authentic Israeli homemade food in this home-like space 단풍

Ta-im Marunouchi Branch
Closed: Sunday
Average price: [Dinner] 5,000 JPY / [Lunch] 2,000 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from Nijubashi-mae Station