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COVID-19 팬데믹의 종료와 함께 일본은 해외 방문객이 증가하고 있습니다. 수많은 일식 관광지 중에서 모리오카가 특히 주목받고 있습니다. 모리오카는 뉴욕 타임즈의 "2023년 가볼 만한 52곳"에서 2위에 올랐습니다. 모리오카에서 인기가 높아지고 있는 5곳의 추천 레스토랑을 소개합니다. 모리오카 여행 중에 들르기 완벽한 장소입니다! 단풍
이탈리아 요리 Cuisine - Ristorante SHIKAZAWA
Italian cuisine that incorporates Iwate ingredients and elements from local cuisine 단풍

Ristorante SHIKAZAWA
Closed: * Lunch is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Average price: [Dinner] 18,500 JPY / [Lunch] 15,000 JPY
Access: 15 minutes walk from Morioka Station
단풍 이자카야 - Aisawa
A Japanese izakaya loved by local customers for over 30 years since its founding 단풍

Address: B1F, AVAZ, 1-12-16, Saien, Morioka-shi, Iwate
Access: 10 minutes walk from Morioka Station
단풍 이탈리아 요리 Cuisine - CHATONS
An Italian restaurant where guests can taste high quality foods made locally for local consumption 단풍

Closed: On the second Monday
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,000 JPY
Access: 20 minutes walk from Morioka Station
단풍 일식 Cuisine - 일식 Cuisine Waso Senshin Kuga
Guests can enjoy seasonal dishes in their preferred style based on the theme of local production for local consumption

Nihon ryori Wasosenshin KUGA
Closed: Sunday
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,500 JPY
Access: 15 minutes walk from Morioka Station
단풍 일식 Cuisine - Kaiunbashidori Kikka
Guests will smack their lips at the skillfully cooked Japanese cuisine using carefully selected ingredients 단풍

Kaiunbashi-dori Kikka
Address: 1F, Tamura Bldg., 1-40 Kaiunbashidori, Morioka-shi, Iwate
Access: 10 minutes walk from Morioka Station